Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving

Interlude. Alan (and Lee) thank everyone for 2020 (such as it was). Roll on 2021 though!

Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving

The Cloudsmith family is something you have likely seen across our content and communications for years. While many brands make that, well, part of their “branding”, for us, it’s genuinely how we feel about our staff, customers, partners, investors, and everyone we meet along the way. In all cheesiness and truth, we believe the Cloudsmith family is real.

While we’re not based in America and, at the moment, only have one American on staff, Thanksgiving is just as meaningful to us as it is to you. And even though we can’t sit around the table this year to share exactly what we’re thankful for, I wanted to share a message of gratitude on our behalf.

Our Customers

You’re a crazy bunch but we love every single one of you. We love being able to help you succeed with DevOps and pipeline building. And it kills us when we fall short with a missing feature or have to type in those fateful words “It’s on the roadmap.” It is. Thank you for choosing us and believing.

Our Partners

We could not be more excited about building upon our partnerships with CircleCI, HashiCorp, Buildkite, and Cloudposse to name a few. Together we’ve built out some super exciting insights and events for the end of 2020 and early 2021 and for that we thank you. If 2020 is anything to go by, 2021 will be a whole other level of awesome. And for that, we’re grateful for these new relationships we built this year. Watch this space.

And last, but not least, our incredible team…

This holiday season, my thoughts turn gratefully to our employees, advisors, and investors who have made our success possible. Working at Cloudsmith isn’t always easy but I am impressed each and every day with your resilience, resolve, and resourcefulness. Thank you. The donuts are in the mail.

It goes without saying that 2020 has been a wild ride for us all but (a vaccinated) 2021 is going to be EPIC!


PS: Whether you’re celebrating Thanksgiving or not, here’s a little song to add to your playlist during this very special (yet bizarre) holiday season:

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